My future job

  Hello classmates! 

This time I will tell you about my dream job. It's sad maybe thinking about a dream job and thinking that maybe I'm not in the right direction, I think most of us have that feeling. Unfortunately I cannot imagine my whole life working in public administration, although I may be passionate about my work, it will depend a lot on the area of ​​work. I doubt that being in an office all day will satisfy me, but if it satisfies the end goal, the means would be justified.

My dream job would be in an area that has implications with society, such as culture or sports, or education or health, but not in an office looking at numbers all day so that the final result is better numbers.

 After working in the public administration I would like to fulfill my dreams, perhaps living with a lower salary but being happier. I would like to have my own place, be it a bar, a restaurant, a meeting center, a place of entertainment, that stories are written in my own place seems incredible, even if it is small. I would also like to travel to many places living their identity. In short, I would like work (therefore money and circumstances) to take a backseat, and for the daily routine to make a difference.
